Lawn & Garden

Stop by or call for more information: 202-529-2658

A beautifully painted mural on a brick wall dedicated to Annie's Dependable Service Hardware in Washington D.C.

Lawn & Garden

We are happy to advise you on plants, flowers, or even herbs and vegetables. We’ll show you how to plant, weed, water, and prune, and help you find the tools you need to get those jobs done.

We offer an extensive selection of landscaping, gardening, and lawn products, as well as pots, soil, and plant food for your indoor plants.

Our products will satisfy everyone from the weekend gardener to the professional landscaper – stop by and see us today!

Got pests? We can help with those, too! We can help you tell the baby ladybugs (crazy looking tiny alligator bugs- go look them up!) from the aphids and help you target those bad bugs. If you have a pest that we do not have repellent for we will try to get it for you.